Tuesday, December 25, 2007

What I Wish For The New Year:

1. That Causers, regardless of their cause, no longer equate the volume with which they make their argument with the value of the argument they make.

2. That Global Warmers realize that they make themselves look foolish to hold onto their original Chicken Little premise without considering new information.

3. That those that deny the factual base of Global Warming realize that conservation of energy is just a rational idea when denuded of the hype.

4. To find a way of getting through to people who start their arguments with ”I feel” to rather begin them with “I think”, so that I do not automatically dismiss what follows as poorly reasoned.

5. That both parties put forth nominees that are relevant to the challenges that face our country not to the challenges that face us individually.

6. To continue to see race hustlers and bigots be further marginalized as their idiocy is uncovered.

7. That the people that use the term racist to get a dictionary and realize that most times prejudiced is the correct term.

8. To have both extremes of political thought be marginalized so that they do not control the agenda of the real conversations we need as a country.

9. To have teachers stop using the classroom to justify their personal beliefs and instead present all of the thought on a subject so that their students can learn to shape their own.

11. For people to find time in their daily lives to give back time instead of just dollars to those that need help and guidance.

12. To have parents realize that a computer is not a substitute for parenting and that pharmaceuticals do not fix problems but rather change the timeline for when they manifest.

13. To be less tolerant of the intolerant, more patient with the poorly informed and realize that many in life are trying to dig their well with a pointy stick….they just do not have the right tools.


Doctor Strangelove said...

I agree with your list of resolutions...i think over the last several years, with the secularization of America, many have lost the sense of personal responsibility. Main stream psychology has taken away the responsibility option from our youth, by ascribing blame for an individual's personal behavioral disorders to everything and everyone but themselves. It is sad and it is largely at fault for a diminishing of our nation

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